1# The pointy slick down
How much gel do you think it takes to achieve sculpting like that? We’re guessing more than one container. Why else would he let that little patch in the middle fly free?

We agree. The front to back mohawk has totally been hogging the spotlight. We vote for switching the axis and trying this beauty out for a while.

We think we’ve got pretty nice ears too. How has it taken this long to find the perfect way to display them?

4# Just the tip
We like a hair style that keeps you guessing. But we’re having trouble figuring out where to look. At the pink tips, the teased bangs, or that pony tail-type-thing trying to escape from the side.

5# The Patriot
There’s just no better way to show your love for your leader than gluing a tiny picture of him on the back of your head. The shaved-in housing and hair flag on the other hand are bordering on brown-nosing.